
請撥:(07)862-1234  林小姐
Those pictures are names and informations of the worker, who escape from their work place.Anybody who can give us information leading to the location of a run away by phone and if the foreign worker is being caught due to the information given, will be reward a NT$.10,000.
Pls.Dial:(07)862-1234  Ms.LIN

  • 姓 名:*INI *USPITA*ARI (21世紀)
  • 身 高:149 cm
  • 體 重:58 kg
  • 逃逸日:2022.12.13

隱私權及著作權聲明   聯絡我們   21世紀全球外勞集團版權所有 © 服務專線 : 0800-32-1111(手機可撥)